Telegram Bot

Another messaging platform Telegram that offer programmable bot. The bot uses HTTP API, and its endpoint is:{your_bot_token}/{commandName}

You can find list of available command here:

What I did to set up my first bot..

Talk to BotFather using your Telegram account, send him a message “/newbot” and then he'll guide you from there. To display things you can do with BotFather, send him “/help”.

BotFather BotFather Help

Once the new bot is created, you can test it by visiting this url:{your_bot_token}/getMe

Using getMe command will return information about your bot. Something like this:


To test whether the bot can receive message, try sending a message to @your_bot_name from your telegram account then visit this url:{your_bot_token}/getUpdates

It will display things sent to your bot in JSON format. To dig deeper, you can visit official documentation for Telegram bot here:

By the way, in case you're into PHP, someone made SDK here:

Happy coding 😁 !


Sun, 5 Mar 2017 at 23:18:36 MYT

Another awesome bot framework for PHP! Using this framework, you can create bot of multiple platform (messenger, telegram, etc). Check this out:

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