Artisan console: managing exit code

  • Create constant in artisan console class, e.g:
public static $EXIT_CODE = [
  • And put the code to access that exit code somewhere:
private function translateCommandExitCode($class, $exitCode)
    // retrieve fcqn (fully classified class name)
    $fcqn = '\\App\\Console\\Commands\\' . $class;
    return array_search($exitCode, $fcqn::$EXIT_CODE );


Assuming that below code is my UserLogin console:

public static $EXIT_CODE = [
public function __construct()
public function handle(){
    // get userId from argument & find the user
    $userId = $this->argument('userId');
    $user = User::find($userId);

    // return earlier if no user found
    if(!$user) return self::$EXIT_CODE['USER_NOT_FOUND'];

    // login the user

    // fire event
    event(new UserLoginSucceed);

    // give return code for succesful execution
    return self::$EXIT_CODE['SUCCESS'];

And in UserController, I'll do:

public function UserLogin(){
        $exitCode = Artisan::call('user:login',
        if($this->translateCommandExitCode('UserLogin',$exitCode) == 'FAILED'){
            // do code when exit code is FAILED
public function translateCommandExitCode($class, $exitCode)
        // retrieve fcqn (fully classified class name)
        $fcqn = '\\App\\Console\\Commands\\' . $class;
        return array_search($exitCode, $fcqn::$EXIT_CODE );

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