Laravel Cron

  • define cron job. assuming u're root, add this code in etc/crontab add:

    * * * * * root php /path/to/artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1

  • check cron log: tail -f /var/log/cron

sample schedule:

ping every minute to request bin. put the code app/Console/Kernel.php, in schedule() method.

$schedule->call(function () {return true;})->everyMinute()->thenPing('');

Code to test schedule:

 * put this code inside `schedule` method 
 * of `app/Console/Kernel.php`

// build the msg
$msg = sprintf('Hello from Laravel Task Scheduling! Time is %s.',
  date('Y-m-d H:i:s (l)')

// create logger
$logger = function () use ($msg) {

// call the logger every minute

to test in your local machine, execute php artisan schedule:run8

Do you know what makes the cron eats CPU?

List Cron Entry

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    No results matching ""