The 4 Degrees of People

  • simply ignorant
  • ignorant and misguided
  • ignorant, misguided and corrupt
  • ignorant, misguided, corrupt & evil

Simply Ignorant

  • The man who's innocent & without discernment, who cannot tell truth from falsehood, or beautiful from ugly actions
  • Who remains with his disposition, devoid of any doctrines, and whose desires was never aroused through the pursuit of pleasures
  • The character of this man can be improved easily

Ignorant & Misguided

  • Who recognizes ugly acts for what they are, but is not in the habit of acting righteously
  • His evil actions have been made to seem fine to him and he commits them under the influence of his desires
  • Despite this, however, he knows that he's not acting as he should

Ignorant, Misguided & Corrupt

  • Not only addicted to eveil ways but also believe that those ways are good & to follow them is necessary
  • They have been brought up in ignorance
  • Their animal self has grown at the expense of their rational self
  • To reform this is almost impossible

Ignorant, Misguided, Corrupt & Evil

  • The man who has been reared to believe in & to work corruption
  • He's proud of doing evil & leading others astray
  • The improvement of this man is the hardest of all

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