Notes from How to GraphQL Tutorials

Sat, 4 Nov 2017 at 1:25:05 MYT

1. Introduction

  • apollo vs relay
    • apollo: framework agnostic, community driven
    • relay: initially made as routing framework. built by facebook, for react & react native. higher entry barrier compared to apollo
  • apollo features: optimistic caching, subscription support, etc
  • Graphcool: Flexible backend platform combining GraphQL + Serverless

2. Fundamentals

  • GraphQL != REST
  • GrapqhQL types: query & mutation
    • query type: represents all entry points
    • mutation type: represents all updates we can make to our data
  • "if you've to adjust the api everytime you changed your design on the front end, you won't be able to iterate quickly on the product"
  • GraphQl: single endpoint for all data
  • example of GraphQL query type:

      query {
          User(id: "er3453sdfsd") {
              posts {
              followers(last: 3) {
  • data is the root field of GraphQL response, as defined in GraphQL specification
  • GraphQL advantages over REST:
    • no more overfetching (downloading unecessary data)
    • no more underfetching: the need to send multiple requests because single endpoint does not return enough information (n+1 problem)
    • enables rapid product iteration: changes on the client side can be made without any extra work on the server
    • fine-grained info about what data is read by clients
    • strong type system: enables frontend & backend team to work completely independent from each other
  • GraphQL uses resolver functions to fetch data that's being requested by the clients

3. Core Concepts

  • Schema Definition Language (SDL): syntax for writing graphql schemas. example:

      type Person {
          name: String!
          age: Int!
          posts: [Post!]!
      // express relationship between types
      type Post {
          title: String!
          author: Person!

    Read more about GraphQL SDL here:

  • one of major benefit in using GraphQL: ability to do nested query easily
  • the general 3 kind of mutation in GraphQL:
    1. create (new data)
    2. update (existing data)
    3. delete (existing data)
  • in GraphQL, one can query information when sending mutation
  • GraphQL supports real-time updates using via its "subscriptions" feature, which represent stream of data sent over to the clients
  • example of subscription type:

      subscription {
          newPerson {
      // type definition
      type Subscription {
          newPerson: Person!

3. The Big Picture (Architecture)

  • "GraphQL has been released only as a specification. This means that GraphQL is in fact not more than a long document that describes in detail the behaviour of a GraphQL server."
  • Note that GraphQL is actually transport-layer agnostic: it is potentially possible to implement a GraphQL server based on TCP, WebSockets, etc.
  • Each field in the query corresponds to a resolver function. The GraphQL calls all required resolvers when a query comes in to fetch the specified data, packed it up once all resolvers finished its jobs, and sent it to the client
  • GraphQL vs REST == declarative vs imperative

results matching ""

    No results matching ""