From Zero to Hero(ku)

This is deployment process of Rails app from zero to heroku app. From nothing to something accessible via heroku subdomain:

pushing without github (only heroku):

  • push to heroku

git push heroku master

1 attempt

  • Push rejected, failed to compile Ruby app.

-> heroku by default considered as production env

solution to #1 attempt

  • move sqlite gem to dev & test group

  • create new production group and add pg gem

  • exec build i

  • gemfile & gemfile.lock is updated, commit the change

  • push to heroku

open the app: heroku open

-> push not rejected, but now it says "the page you were looking for doesn't exist"

  • check log: heroku logs

  • tail log: heroku logs -t

found: ActionController::RoutingError (uninitialized constant WelcomeController):

solution: make welcome controller & its view

-> heroku procfile?

-> read warning & fix

if this is ur first time using heroku, u may want to add your machine's ssh key to heroku so u don't need to key in email & password everytime u push to heroku. to do that, issue heroku keys:add

to rename the app, type heroku rename (new name)

results matching ""

    No results matching ""