From Wordpress to GitBook

working draft

I was using Wordpress to write. Last about 2 months.

It is good platform, easy to use but I just don't feel comfortable with it.

  • It requires me to have internet connection to write
  • Thus things I wrote aren't stored somewhere I can touch

For the first issue, actually I can write somewhere, copy it, and paste it to Wordpress when I get online.

The second issue, I can host my own Wordpress site. However, Wordpress store thus posts (and almost anything else) in database which I don't feel good with it. I want to store thus things in say, markdown file.

Next, I moved to tumblr. Out of the box, it has some cool features. Scheduled post, markdown support, private post, custom domain, etc. But I still get the problem I had with Wordpress: internet connection. However, tumblr has mobile apps which is nice.

When using tumblr, I write things in markdown and push to my GitHub repository. Then, I'll copy thus markdown to tumblr.

Started to feel the pain with my tumblr setup, I tried to find other alternatives.

I used GitBook before, to write documentation of a project I was working on. I wasn't really interested with it, but after digging more to its documentation and features, I feel really comfortable with it.

GitBook has the things I always wanted.

1. Keep writing, regardless of internet connection

working draft

2. Keep my writings around me 💼

working draft

3. Version Control

working draft

4. Free hosting 😁


My writing (book) will be here:{my_username}/{my_book_name}

or here (alias):


5. Custom Domain

working draft

6. Desktop App

GitBook Editor

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