Bitbucket Issue Tracker

Creating Issue

  • go to your repo page
  • click Issues

    you won't see the Issues link if you haven't enable issue tracker.

  • click Create issue (upper right)
  • upload image/attachment if any
  • if necessary, assign the issue to friend, coworker, etc

in above example, we used issue message to structure our issue: copy issue message and paste it in Description.

If you haven't enable issue tracker yet, do this:

Example of issue message:

**Please provide this info when creating issue:**

- \- Browser: 
- \- URL: 
- \- Email: 
- \- User ID: 
- \- Error message (if any): 
- \- Expected outcome:
- \- Reality:
- \- Additional note:
- \- Screenshot (if any):

_You can copy above list and paste in the issue. Email is important for us to follow up the matter to affected user._

results matching ""

    No results matching ""