

Basic steps:

  • Project files
  • Tooling. Output: index.html, application.js, style.css
  • Display in browser

Common Steps:

  • npm install to install dependencies
  • npm start to run the start script
    Dependencies and start script defined in package.json

Components are snippet of code that produce HTML.

The role of webpack and babel is to convert our jsx code into vanilla javascript which browser can understand.

  • So why use jsx in the first time?
    To make our code more elligible. Try write a code in jsx and compare to its vanilla javascript version here

Using javascript module: don't forget to import the component before using it.

  • Differentiate between component class & instance
    When not wrapped in jsx tag, it's just a class & not instantiated. When wrapped in jsx, it's becoming an instance. Just the same as calling React.createElement.

use -S or --save switch in npm install to save the dependency installed in package.json

Saying import X from 'Y' will give you whatever object in file Y was exported as the default.

Read mozilla documentation about javascript export:

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