Learn how to learn

Short-Term Memory

Temporary state that information passes through for about 10-15 seconds before going into long-term memory.

Progressive Overload

A training methodology. Fundamental at the core of all strength and fitness training which also applicable to our mental skill as well.

The basic idea is always do training up to near, or just below our limit.

Vary the training intensity to suite our needs & progress

When learning comes easily, it doesn't stick.

Learning with fun doesn't mean that it's going to be effortless.

Pomodoro Technique

Prevent fatigue & frustration. 1 pomodoro equals to 20-25 mins of training followed by 5 mins break.

After 4 pomodoros, take a longer break of 15-30 mins.

This technique has been proven as one of the most effective way to maintain focus and creativity.

  • Measure your baseline on comprehension & reading speed


  • Regarded as very good because it is an entry level mnemonic technique
  • It works with just about everything


RSVP : Rapid Sequential Visual Presentation

Visual information is simply easier to recall than auditory information.

Pictures are heavily encoded: they speak to different type of memory buffers. They have rich and detailed information such as color, context, shape, size, etc. Besides, they're more likely to have higher number of neuron connection as they convey more interaction; emotion, depth, etc.

A picture is worth a thousand words

Visual information is also alarmingly fast: we can comprehend the content of an image in just a fraction of a second.

Try looking at an image in 2 seconds, and describe what it looks like in one paragraph


Imaginary pictures or visual associations used to represent information we want to remember. In other words, to transform concepts, ideas, and other important information into imagined visual pictures.

The best, and most memorable type of visual markers are strange, bizarre or emotionally connected to memories

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