Building New Feature : What I used to do.

  • Create new branch, e.g: feature-{feature_name}
  • Use task runner (gulpfile, grunt, etc) for tdd
  • Create test file for the feature, e.g: PHPSpec, PHPUnit, Behat, etc
  • Start coding, commit often 😜

Personally, when using Laravel 5 this is what I used to do:

  • Create event that will be triggered if the new feature is executed properly
  • Create artisan console to execute the new feature
  • Create test file
  • Start coding for new feature
    • When need to execute new feature, call artisan console Artisan::call('commandName',$argument)
    • Trigger above event inside artisan console
  • When I feel that the code is mature enough, I'll move that code to the respective service provider or repository.

For example, when building user login feature, i'll:

  • Create event to determine succesful user login:
    artisan make:event UserLoginSucceed
  • Create the console
    php artisan make:console UserLogin --command user:login
  • Create test file
    php artisan make:test UserLoginTest
    • assert that the event is triggered
    • call artisan console
  • Put neccessary code for login there, including the trigger for event UserLoginSucceed
  • When I want to login a user from UserController, I'll call artisan console:
// in UserController.php
Artisan::call('user:login', ['user'=>...,'pass'=>...]);

After creating artisan console, don't forget to create new entry for it in app/Console/Kernel.php

Following above steps, for each feature I develop I'll have at least an artisan console and an event. This way, I can get some advantages:

  • Easier for me to test. Using Laravel, my test will look like this:
// tell the test that we want UserLoginSucceed to be triggered

// call artisan console
  • Reusable component: just call artisan console, via terminal or inside your code
  • Hookable event: I can tell Laravel to perform other task when the event is triggered
  • Can use advantage of Artisan::queue

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