Laracon 2017 - The First Laravel Online Conference

Wed, 8 Mar 2017, 8am PST

Jeff's Talk

Wed, 8 Mar 2017 at 22:05:15 MYT


  • gulp is task runner, webpack isn't
  • webpack 2 is used throughout the slides
  • webpack: single entry point
  • jeff uses npm for everything
  • webpack will assume everything comes across is javascript unless we tell otherwise, and we do so by using loader.
  • "loader can transform any file that matches a certain criteria" – Jeff
  • you can pull loader from npm. for example, to pull css-loader, do this: npm install css-loader --save-dev
  • "plugins are the backbone of webpack. webpack itself is built on this same plugin system"
  • tree shaking: remove unused code
  • example:
npm install webpack --save-dev
webpack src/main.js dist/bundle.js

put the webpack in package.json to make your life easier. exec npm run dev to run it.

"scripts": {
    "dev": "webpack src/main.js dist/bundle.js"

Laravel Mix

  • laravel mix helps you configuring webpack
  • mix covers 80% use case, and very likely you're part of that 80% so you can take advantage of mix
  • "Laravel doesn't care which js framework you use, if any" – Jeff
  • to override webpack config, pass your config to mix.webpackConfig({your_webpack_config_here})

Evan's Talk

Wed, 8 Mar 2017 at 23:05:05 MYT

Inside Vue Templates

Rachel Andrew's Talk

Thu, 9 Mar 2017 at 0:19:08 MYT

About Rachel

CSS Layout

CSS Box Alignment Module Level 3
“This module contains the features of 088 relating to the
alignment of boxes within their containers in the various 088 box layout models: block layout, table layout, flex layout, and grid layout.” -

  • the new stuffs, grid & flex, will be responsive by default
  • flexbox tester:
  • CSS Grid layout unit: fr (fraction unit)
  • use minmax(min, max) to define the minimum & maximum size of element
  • IE and Edge still use their early implementation iof CSS Grid Layout
  • Feature Queries (@supports) → test for support of property: value pairs
  • vertical-align has no effect on a grid item
  • items set to display: inline-block or block become grid items
  • if grid tracks or flex-basis seem tobeusing a size you didn't expect, check your item widths
  • for anything new in CSS, you can use feature queries (@supports) to detect support
  • slides:

Adam Wathan's Talk, Laracon 2017

Thu, 9 Mar 2017 at 1:18:49 MYT

TDD - Test Driven Development

  • Almost all of your tests should be unit tests
  • Your tests should never touch the database
  • write a failing test → make the test pass → refactor
  • use Mockery to mock class
  • don't worry about isolation. introduce boundaries when it solves real problem
  • contact adam: @adamwathan,

Taylor Otwell's Talk, Laracon 2017

Thu, 9 Mar 2017 at 2:34:10 MYT

  • created laravel back in 2007
  • laravel has 2 kernels: http & console kernel
  • use this if you want to pull container manually: $container = new Illuminate\Container\Container
  • Illuminate\Http\Request::capture() captures request from php, like $_POST, $_GET, etc
  • middleware is sort of revolution of laravel filter
  • be cautious where you are in your app lifecycle when you want to use Auth::user()
  • if necessary, you can override $bootstrappers in your artisan console


Thu, 9 Mar 2017 at 3:28:02 MYT

contact Nick: @nick_canz, [email protected]

What developers need to know about email

  • what's MX records? special type of DNS record (MX, not TXT)
  • how's an email formatted? Headers, Body, Attachments.
  • Headers = metadata
  • analyse email header:
  • X-Headers: custom data stored in heade
  • rs like x-user-id, x-spam-flag, etc
  • everything after new line is considered as body (not header anymore)
  • most browser & app renders raw html email
  • email clients are not HTML5 ready
  • check these email templates:
  • Base64 encoding file can increase size by 30%
  • email authentication methods: SPF, DKIM & DMARC
    • spoofing protection
    • deliverability
  • SPF: Sender Policy Framework, domain-based way to say what IPs are allowed to send email for you
    • whitelist & blacklist of email domain
    • only 1 DNS record. if more, the check will fail
  • DKIM: Message-based signatures to verify your email is unmodified
  • DMARC - Domain-based wat to tell receivers how to handle authentication failures for your domain
    • the latest from other 2 authentication methods
    • checking email validity: SPF, DKIMI, DMARC
  • major features of email
    • bounces - need to know why you can't contact your customer
    • opens - little pieces of info can have high impact
    • inbound - closing the email "loop" to provide the highest level of interactivity
    • using image to trigger event isn't 100% reliable, but most of the time is.

JMac, Laracon 2017

Thu, 9 Mar 2017 at 4:47:37 MYT

About Jason

  • created laravel shift

You don't know Git

Unfamiliar Commands

  • git add → try git add -p
  • git stash --include-untracked
  • git stash list
  • git rebase -i
  • git cherry-pick - like a transplant
  • git bisect - systematically move thru commit and prompt you if it's good or bad commit
  • git reflog - not really stable

Common Workflows

  • git flow

Helpful Info

  • you may want to create system-wide aliases for git

Matt Stauffer, Laracon 2017

Thu, 9 Mar 2017 at 5:35:16 MYT

About Matt

  • created laravel news

Mastering Illuminate Container

  • what is the container == what is Laravel
  • the container is essentially the backbone of every laravel app
  • without container, laravel app is just set of packages. the container is the glue that tied thus packages together
  • container is the tool that enabl DI & IOC
    • DI (Dependency Injection) - when one object supplies (injects) the dependencies of another object
    • IOC (Inversion of Control) - defining (once) at the framework level how to implement specific features or code paths instead of (multiple times) in the code
  • container flow: binding & resolving
  • get instance of laravel container: $container = app()
  • shortcut to get container: app(CONTAINER_CLASS_HERE)
  • autowiring is the reason we use app(Thing::class) over new Thing

Autowiring is..
A framework/package's ability to instantiate a class without being given explicit instructions from the user of how to instantiate that class.
If a class has dependencies, an autowiring framework will use reflection to determine and provide its dependencies.

  • you can do manual binding when necessary
// binding to container
app()->bind(MyServiceContainer::class, function () {
    return new MyService('sdf89asdl23');

// this will return instance of MyService
$service = app(MyServiceContainer::class);
  • bind and autowiring generates new instance. to get same instance, use app()->singleton(...) or app()->instance(...)
  • alias: bind a string key to another string key
// define alias for MyClass
app()->alias(MyClass::class, 'my_class');

// this will return instance of MyClass::class
$myClass = app('my_class');
  • laravel uses a lot of aliases in its codebase. you can see thus aliases inside config/app.php
  • you can use container to resolve a method, eg. app()->call('SuperClient@get', ['/posts/2']), app()->call([$this, 'doSomethingWithDependencies'])

What is Service Providers?

  • central location to bind services for use by your application's code, usually grouped by functionality; the place where all of laravel's bootstrapping takes place
  • it does thus kind of gross, repeatitive tasks to prepare the code/app
  • anatomy of a service provider
    • register - binding the container
    • boot - called after all registrations are completed
    • defer - don't run the service provider until certain bindings are requested
    • provides - if deferred, which bindings request should trigger running this service provider?
  • service provider is the hook for 3rd party package to interact with laravel app


What is Facade?
A convenience class providing static access to non-static methods on classes resolved out of the container.

  • to create facade from any class, bind the class with container and create a class that extends Facade which return the container
  • laravel 5.4 also provider real-time facade


  • you can bind arbitrary value in container, eg. array of countries which bound to countries so you can call app('countries') from anywhere
  • container also support contextual binding

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