Information Retrieval Technology

Chapter 1

  • The field of computer science that is most involved with R&D for search is information retrieval (IR)
  • “Information retrieval is a field concerned with the structure, analysis, organization, storage, searching, and retrieval of information.” (Salton, 1968)
  • example of bank db query vs sea rch engine query
    • bank db query : Find records with balance > $50,000 in branches located in Amherst, MA.
    • search engine query : bank scandals in western mass
  • IR Core Issue: Comparing the query text to the document text and determining what is a good match
  • Dimensions of IR : Content, Applications, Tasks
    • Content : text, image, video, audio, etc
    • Applications : Enterprise search, desktop search, P2P search, etc
    • Tasks : Ad-hoc search, classification, question answering
  • Big Issues in IR : relevance, evaluation, users and information needs,

A search engine is the practical application of information retrieval techniques to large scale text collections

  • Search Engine Issues:
    • performance
    • incorporating new data
    • scalability
    • adaptability
    • specific problems, eg. spam

New subfield called adversarial IR, since spammers are “adversaries” with different goals

Chapter 2

  • Search Engine Architecture : Effectiveness (quality of results) & Efficiency (response time & throughput)
  • Indexing process : text acquisition, text transformation, index creation
  • Query process : user interaction, ranking, evaluation

Indexing Process

  • Text Acquisition :
    • Crawler
    • Feeds
    • Conversion
    • Document Data Store
  • Text Transformation :
    • Parser
    • Stopping
    • Stemming
    • Link Analysis
    • Information Extraction
    • Classifier
  • Index Creation :
    • Document Statistics
    • Weighting
    • Inversion (core of indexing process, converts document-term to term-document)
    • Index Distribution

Query Process

  • User Interaction
    • Query Input
    • Query Transformation
    • Results Output
  • Ranking
    • Scoring
    • Performance Optimization
    • Distribution
  • Evaluation
    • Logging
    • Rangking Analysis
    • Performance Analysis

Chapter 3

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