Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Security & Identity

  • IAM : Identity Access Manager
    • Control users, group, roles, etc.
    • Password protection policy, multi-factor authentication, etc.
  • Directory Services
  • Amazon Inspector
    • Install agent onto ec2 and inspect its security vulnerabilities
  • WAF : Web Application Files
  • Cloud HSM (Hardware Security Module)
    • Securing our cloud-based infrastructure
  • KMS : Key Management Services

Management Tools

  • Cloud Watch
  • Cloud Formation
  • Cloud Trail
    • Provide ordered access to people doint on our AWS platform
    • Auditing our AWS platform
    • Recording changes happened on AWS platform
  • Opswork
    • Configuration management services. Helps configuring operation using Chef.
  • Config
    • AWS resource inventory, configuration history, configuration change notification, config rules, etc.
  • Service Catalog
    • Manage catalog of IT services used on AWS
  • Trusted Advisor
    • Automated service that scan environment and tell where we can save money, increase security, etc.

Application Services

  • API Gateway
    • Create, publish, maintain, monitor, secure API at any scale
  • AppStream
    • Think of it as AWS version of ZenApp
    • Helps streams Windows application in the cloud
  • CloudSearch
    • Simple & cost effective to manage search solution for website/application
  • Elastic Transcoder
    • Social media transcoding in the cloud
  • SES : Simple Email Service
    • Send transactional emails, marketing, etc
    • Can be used to receive email as well
    • Can integrate with Lambda, S3, etc
  • SQS : Simple Queue Service
    • Decoupling infrastructure
  • SWF : Simple Workflow Service
    • Helps build, scale background job
    • Don't get confused between SWF & SQS

Developer Tools

  • Code Commit
    • Fully managed source control service
    • Fully secured private git repository
    • Think of it as AWS version of GitHub
  • Code Deploy
    • Manage deployment of code to any instance
  • Code Pipeline
    • Continues delivery service. Build and test code upon changes.

Mobile Services

  • Mobile Hub
    • Build, test & monitor the usage of our mobile app
  • Cognito
    • Save mobile app's user data
  • Device Farm
    • Helps increase quality of iOS or Android app by testing it on real smartphone or tablets on AWS cloud
  • Mobile Analytics
    • Manage app usage, app revenue, etc
  • SNS : Simple Notification Service
    • Setup, operate & send notification form the cloud

Enterprice Applications

  • WorkSpaces
    • Cloud-based desktop
  • WorkDocs
    • Secure enterprise sharing service
    • Strong administrative control
    • Feedback capability
    • Think of it as DropBox for enterprise
  • WorkMail
    • Email service

IoT : Internet of Things

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