Location Based Advertisement


  • mappables

    This table uses polymorphic relation to store all mappable objects.

    • mappable_id
    • mappable_type
    • lat
    • lng
  • ads

    • title
    • desc


  • MappableInterface All mappable objects must implement this interface. The interface contains 2 methods:
    • getTitle()
    • getDesc()


  • Mappable

    • [Collection] static nearby($lat, $long, $dist = 500)
      Search mappable objects which are nearby given lat, long and dist.
  • Ad


  • GET /{username}

    Fetch JSON of locations added by user.

  • POST /{username}

    Create new location.


    • lat : latitude of the location
    • lng : longitude of the location
    • name : location's name
    • desc : description for the location.
  • GET /nearby

    Fetch JSON of nearby locations.


    • long : longitude of current location
    • lat : latitude of current location
    • dist : distance between current location and nearby in meter


Users can login via oAuth provider like Facebook, GitHub, Twitter, etc. At the moment, users can only login via FB.

use http:\/\/www.latlong.net to find lat & long of nearby


Currently the provided seed is for ads nearby USM area. To generate new seed, use php artisan db:seed

Possible Features

  • Better behaviour for markers
    • Diff current markers againts fetched data & update its informations when necessary
    • Remove expired or deleted markers
    • Display address of each marker via reverse geocode

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