Handle AJAX Form Using Jquery

This code meant to handle submission of ajax form : eliminating boilerplate code, and for convenient – if you think so :v


  • via bower : bower i -S ajax-form-handler
  • manual : download source code from github.


  .on('ajax.invite-user.success', function(event, $form, data){

  if(data.error && alert(data.error))
    return false;

    // hide modal



Put the form handler in – for example, your layout page or your helper.js if you've one and put the hooks together with your ajax form.

  • url of ajax will be form's action
  • method of ajax will be form's method
  • data of ajax will be form's data, serialized

To let the form handled by this code, it must have attribute data-ajax-id. Value of data-ajax-id will be name of the event. The name has this pattern:


So, if a form has attribute data-ajax-id="invite-user", the form handler will automatically handle the submission and will trigger these events:

  • ajax.invite-user.beforeSend
  • ajax.invite-user.success
  • ajax.invite-user.error
  • ajax.invite-user.always

When the form processing reaches beforeSend event, handler will try to find an input or button which has data-toggle-processing="true" attribute, disable it and set its text to Processing request.. to tell the user that the form is currently processing.

If you want to abort a request from inside beforeSend, you can call $form.fn.abort(xhr) from there.

Except beforeSend, all events sends these arguments: event, $el, data. For beforeSend event, it sends event, xhr, $el, inputs.

The beforeSend event has xhr arg so that the request can be aborted, and inputs arg so that request data can be validated before sending the request.

the value of inputs in beforeSend is from .serializeArray()

Regardless of the events triggered, you don't need to hook all the events. However, you need to hook at least ajax.{ajax-id}.success and ajax.{ajax-id}.error events so your users can receive a good feedback from your ajax form.

Client Side

Form Handler

// ajax form handler
$('form[data-ajax-id]').on('submit', function(e){


  $form     = $(this),
  $required = $form.find('[required]'),
  ajaxId    = $form.data('ajax-id'),
  hasEmpty  = false,
  events    = {
    error       : 'ajax.' + ajaxId + '.error',
    success     : 'ajax.' + ajaxId + '.success', 
    always      : 'ajax.' + ajaxId + '.always',
    beforeSend  : 'ajax.' + ajaxId + '.beforeSend',

  // toggle button to indicate processing request
  $toggleProcessing = $form.find('[data-toggle-processing="true"]'),
  originalText      = $toggleProcessing.text();

  // attach custom functions to $form
  $form.fn = {
          .text('Processing request..')
          .attr('disabled', 'disabled');
    alert: {

  // check if value of any required input is empty
      $form.fn.alert.error($(this).attr('name') + ' can\'t be empty.');
      hasEmpty = true;

  // abort if value of any required input is empty

  // here is where we send the form, actually
    url   :$form.attr('action'),
    data  :$form.serialize(),
      // trigger beforeSend event,
      // you may hook to this event for data validation.
      // sample code to abort:
      // xhr.abort();
      // $form.fn.processing.hide();


      var inputs = $form.serializeArray();
      $form.trigger(events.beforeSend, [xhr, $form, inputs]);
    success:function(data, textStatus, jqXHR){
      // trigger success event
      $form.trigger(events.success, [$form, data]);

    error:function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){
      var msg = 'Error ' + jqXHR.status + ' : ' + errorThrown + '.';


      // trigger error event
      $form.trigger(events.error, [$form, jqXHR]);

The Hooks

The form object handled by form handler code is accessible in all events, using $form variable.

  .on('ajax.invite-user.beforeSend', function(event, xhr, $form, inputs){
    // you may validate form inputs here;
  .on('ajax.invite-user.success', function(event, $form, data){
    if(data.error && alert(data.error))
      return false;
      // hide modal, if the form is in bootstrap modal
  .on('ajax.invite-user.error', function(event, $form, data){
    alert('error submitting request');

Server Side

In my use case, the code in the server will return json containing error key if there's error. the value of error key is the error message. That's why I put

if(data.error && alert(data.error))
      return false;

in the hooks code.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""