so, i've this friend that wants me to help her install stuffs to develop cordova hybrid mobile app.

issued this things in her cmd:

  • node -v check if node is installed
  • npm -v check if npm is installed
  • cordova check if cordova is installed. if not, do npm i -g cordova
  • git -v check if git is installed
  • android check if android sdk is installed

she said she had "file cannot be moved" error when she install android sdk. since android is not recognized in her cmd, most likely because she didn't set up path and environment variables properly.

checked env variables of her laptop, turns out that it has no ANDROID_HOME. tools and platform-tools of android sdk are not in PATH either. i created ANDROID_HOME, add path to platform-tools and tools, and issued android in her cmd to verify if it can detect it or not. and yes, it can handle android as well as adb, emulate, etc since i've added it in her system's path.

however, when i run android, it encounter "xcopy not recognized" error. after some googling, turns out that it requires additional paths to be added in PATH: %SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;. here is the original thread:

after adding above path, the android command run smoothly without any error.

understanding the concept of environment variable and path is crucial when it comes to setting up development workspace.

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