From Maverick to El Capitan

Monday, 1 August 2016 at 4:04:10 AM.

After approximately 2 years with OSX Maverick, I decided to upgrade to El Capitan. You know, because of all thus app compatibility issues.

I was afraid my Macbook Air would go slow if it use El Capitan. And yes, it was so slow.

A bit depressed, I tried to surf the web seeking helps. My first shot was to activate Reduce Transparency option of El Capitan in System Preferences > Accessibility > Display. I didn't feel the difference, still slow.

Next try, cleaning permissions via Disk Utility. What I did was opening the Disk Utility app and clicked the First Aid button. It tooks a while, around 30 minutes perhaps. But once finished, I realized that my 4 years Macbook Air was even faster!

Some of noticable differences are:

  • Now I've spotlight with natural language search. The spotlight window is movable also, which is nice :v
  • More free space for my 256 SSD. Still not sure why, but once I upgraded to El Capitan, I've additional 20 GB.
  • Better memory management & performance (that's what I felt, compared to Maverick)

So, by far, I've no regret upgrading my Macbook Air from Maverick to El Capitan. Well, I was afraid, but now I felt that El Capitan is snappier than Maverick. Nice!

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